SAS Poland Events

2nd National SAS Poland Conference: The hidden power of sound in SAS therapy and its impact on harmonious human development.

Date: 29 March 2025 from 09:00 to 15:00
Venue: Hotel Boss, ul. Żwanowiecka 20, 04-849 Warszawa (, and online.

The conference is designed to inspire therapists with various specialties, such as (Neuro) Speech & Language therapists, Sensory Integration therapists, Special Educational Needs teachers, (Educational) Psychologists, Physiotherapists, etc. Together we will create a lively networking and exchange of knowledge and experience event. The Conference will take place in the context of using the SAS Method as an effective therapeutic tool.

The main language of the Conference is Polish, but some presentations will be given in English with translation into Polish.

The cost of participation in the conference (refreshments and coffee included) is:

  • In Person: PLN 250 per participant.
  • Online: PLN 150 per participant.


  • 8:30 - 9:00: Registration of participants, welcome coffee;
  • 9:00 - 10:30: Session 1
    • Welcome and introductions;
    • The art of using sound as a tool to change habits in the brain - Steven Michaëlis;
    • The impact of the world of sounds on human behaviour and emotions - dr Marzena Walkowiak;
    • Discussion panel;
      • Break;
  • 10:50 - 12:50: Session 2
    • Sensory Integration and SAS therapy - Anna Parakiewicz;
    • Discussion panel;
    • Central auditory processing disorders. Hearing implantology - Beata Musierowicz;
    • Discussion panel;
    • Speech therapy disorders with particular emphasis on aphasia - Marta Ustupska-Podsiadło;
    • Discussion panel;
      • Break;
  • 13:20 - 15:00: Session 3
    • Improving attention of students with autism spectrum disorder and ADHD - Andrzej Włudecki;
    • Discussion panel;
    • Application of the SAS method in professional life - mgr Barbara Zagradzka;;
    • Licensed SAS training - Marcelina Duchniak & Steven Michaëlis;
    • Questions and answers;
  • 15:00: Conference closing ceremony.
  • If you need additional information, please contact us by e-mail:, or phone +48 505 981 381.

    Conference organised by SAS Centre Poland and SAS Centre International.

    The SAS-2024 Conference entitled "How to support learning and development" was held on 17 March 2024. It was attended by nearly 200 participants, in-person and online.

    SAS Specialists Meeting.

    The "SAS-Chat - Common Perspectives and Actions" meeting took place on 14 September 2024 in Warsaw, where SAS Poland Providers, the founders and creators of the SAS method Steven Michaëlis and Katarzyna Gozdek-Michaëlis and representatives of SAS Poland exchanged ideas and made plans for the future.

    We would like to thank everyone for making this a great networking meeting with inspiring conversations and sharing of experiences regarding the use of the SAS method.

    14 September 2024.

    12 August 2023.

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